Friday, March 1, 2019

Hello March!

Took my Lucy (look at me claiming her as mine!) to the dog park today and met up with some lovely people that I've met there before.  No jerks there today.  I should tell you about the jerks first so you understand.....

There is this couple, or two siblings, a man and a woman....anyway, these two people bring their dogs to the dog park.  They stand around near the gate to enter and let their dogs terrorize every person and dog that enters.  They do nothing but smile and stand there.  They don't pick up the poop unless everyone is staring at them.  The woman will not pick up the poop.  If they can get away with not picking up the poop they stand there smiling and pretending the poop didn't happen.  Their dogs are beautiful, obviously well cared for, but.....

These beautiful dogs run wild.  The people they belong to don't walk with them, do not discipline them, and allow them to hump, attack, and be a pain in the butt for every other dog there...not to forget the people that are there.

Yesterday those two people were there and I almost left but Lucy insisted we go in because some of her friends were there waiting to say HI! LET'S SNIFF BUTTS! We went in, friendly butt sniffing ensued and off we went to walk around the park.  

The regulars walk around the outskirts of the part on a trail and their dogs walk with them or run around them and generally keep an eye on their people.  The JERKS don't walk.  Their dogs hardly consider the jerks as part of their pack and do their darnedest to enlist other dogs into their pack and participate in bad behavior.  Attacking young pups is their biggest bit of fun.  Lucy is protective and gets into the fray to save the pup.

Yesterday it was all I could do to keep those dogs away from Lucy and her fur was up.  One dog in particular tries his hardest to dominate and Lucy doesn't care for that one bit and will attack him to let him know that he's being stupid.  Two rounds around the park and both of us had had enough.

Today was perfect like I said.  Friendly butt sniffing, some running around.  Lucy made friends with someone new...this guy had a beautiful boxer....and life was great.  Seven rounds around the park and Lucy called it a day.  All that running around and sniffing everything can wear a girl out.

But wait!  There's more!  On Instagram and in many groups on Facebook is Rose Heck who lives in Canada and has a dog named Lucy who looks like MY Lucy!  Our Lucy's need to meet for sure.

I bet there would be friendly butt sniffing and lots of play!  My Lucy needs to lose a few pounds still and she will if we keep getting out on walks and to the dog park.

I really didn't mean to get on a tangent about the jerks at the dog park.  It needed to be said, so there it is.

Today, being March 1st, is the day that I make Cute Angel Mermaid my focus piece for the entire month for the Wipocalypse March 1 Stitch Per Day Challenge, the Unconventional X Stitch Stitch A Thon that starts Monday, Gifted Gorgeousness, and whatever else I can throw it into!  I'm very excited to get on with this, so much so that I have decided to take a three day weekend just for stitching.  

No sewing happened yesterday.  I have no idea why other than I was busy all day doing horrible things like laundry and cleaning.  Suppose that nasty bit of chore doing had to happen at some point.  

I did stitch with Nancy last night and worked on Pirate Ship.  As I was stitching along I couldn't figure out why things were wrong.  Why does this look funky?  What did I do a year ago that is now causing confusion?  Turns out I had stitched all one color on the bottom right sail where there is supposed to be another color.  Well I'm not ripping all that out just to restitch one color and add another so careful snipping was done and careful stitching.  That fixed, I was able to get a  move on.

Pretty good, don't you think?  Ended up changing the hoop too since the big pink one was just too big.  This will see more love this month as it too is another Unconventional X Stitch pattern.  The third UXS WIP I have is Fire and Ember, otherwise known as THORDAK THE CINDER KING!  He too will see love this month.  The last week of March is the berserker stitching part of the stitch a thon and that's where I might end up going back and forth between the mermaid and Thordak.  I feel a win coming on and may have to trash talk a bit more to get my blood pumping, but it's worth it for the WIN! :D WIN Yep, I will win.  (Or lose horribly, either way I'm a winner)

While I was stitching last night, I took the opportunity to put time on each of my Stitch9Challenge pieces so that my pie would be more wonderful.  When I do pick up the pieces I haven't stitched on I'll have to stitch for an hour before starting the timer on my Timesheet app. 

Doesn't this look much better?  Cannot wait to see how it looks on April 1st!  

I have no idea why I'm so blabby today!  It's hailing here and supposed to snow, so why not have a three day weekend full of stitching goodness?  Time to make some tea and settle in with Lucy for that highly anticipated Mermaid stitching.

Stay safe and warm my beautiful people.  DON'T make your bed's Friday!

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. It takes just a few people to ruin the fun doesn't it. Glad they weren't there today. I would love to take my dog to a dog park. We went to one once and she loved it. She is scared of people though. So I need an empty one in the woods haha. Instead she LOVES going to our cabin. She can run around off leash and be the world's happiest dog. Boy the Lucy's really do look a lot alike. Too cute. I don't think I've seen the pirate ship. Awesome! We love pirate things in our household. Great work on so many different things. That's fun to do! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Well bring your dog on over and the dogs can sniff butts and then go on their merry way. Usually Lucy ignores the others, happy to lead me around the park, but sometimes she meets a dog she has to play with. But if your dog and Lucy get along it would be fun to watch them run together! You and I don't have to run, a nice slow walk and talking would be best tee hee

  2. I as well have had dog owners make the dog park a bummer but I try to just smile and have fun with the doggies. But ugh it can be frustrating. You made some progress on that pirate ship good job.

    1. Right? I'm not going to stop taking Lucy to the park just because of those people, and I'll still try to take a few rounds around the park...but I'm not kidding when I say Lucy has had enough...SHE heads to the gate leading out! She never does that so it must be bad when she's demanding to leave :D

  3. I'd love to witness the meeting of the Lucies! Our landlady brought home a new dog this week. It's so nice to hear some barking in the house again once in a while!
    I almost forgot about Jody's big stitchathon...I have to focus on my own Mermaid, so not a lot will happen, but I always have the Puppeteer and might pull out Kitsune or Sacrifice for a bit!

    1. The last week of the month is the all out war on the stitch a thon, so maybe pull one or all out for that!
