Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Exhaustion Happened

No blog yesterday.  The weekend caught up with me.  By 6:00 pm I was ready to call it a day and the sun hadn't even gone down yet.  I puttered around for a bit, but only made it to 8:00 pm before I called it a day.  

I did stitch which was great!  Yesterday was the start of the third week of the UXS Stitch a Thon where we stitch 200 stitches on our project and post before and after pictures.  BAM was the first one up and I'm amazed at how much gets done with just 200 stitches!

Today I'm more refreshed and ready to stitch on Pirate Ship and Thordak. It's exciting!  I may even get to pick up Weaver's Bird SAL, but can't make that promise to myself or to you.

Next week is full on Berserker Stitching Mode!  No measly 10, 100 or 200 stitches....FULL ON CRAZY, FAST stitching. I'll be well rested, hydrated, fed and ready to rock and roll. 

Quick tip:  Do not combat clean a 4 bedroom house and a 36 foot RV in the same day.  Pace yourself.

It also seems I forgot to put my Route 66 Project Bags in my Etsy shop, so I did that this morning as well.

I love the fabric!  Brings back memories of road trips and super hot summers stuffed in the car.  First as a kid and then again as an adult (by this time it was I40 which is dumb and doesn't have the same ring as Route 66).

Feeling accomplished now, I'll get to stitching.  I'm not sewing bags today, but tomorrow should get back to my normal schedule of sewing in the morning and stitching in the afternoon.

Have a beautiful day, and according to the birds.....Spring is coming!

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. I know that feeling of al of a sudden everything seems to happening at once ad Boom! Get some down tome and relax.

    1. Thank you! Yesterday was certainly that much needed downtime.

  2. Great progress on this and yes, rest!! That sounds like an intense amount of cleaning and dryer fixing :)

    1. oh my gosh! I didn't think it was that much until I went to bed that night and everything hurt haha!

  3. Good thing you got some rest after that combat cleaning. Now go and combat stitch! :D

    1. You know I did! Getting ready for next week's craziness :D

  4. Good thing you got caught up on that rest

  5. I know exactly what you mean. I work till I fall and then I'm down. But I do get a lot done when I work hard. I would rather get it all done fast than drag it out. Beautiful progress. I like these bags. Do you have any oceany type material coming up though?

  6. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

    Space club cart.
    Space club disposable.
    Space club galaxy bar.
    Space club vape..
    Get spaced vape.
