Saturday, February 23, 2019

What Happens When You.....

.....set aside a project you are struggling with?  Well, quite a bit actually!  I grabbed up Weaver's Bird SAL and stitched part two while listening to a couple of audio books.  It's true, I'm far more focused and can stitch faster when a good book is playing.

Once that was finished, I grabbed up the Mamluk SAL and had to rip the "new" blue out.  You see, the directions stated that to differentiate between the previous month's pattern and this month's pattern, Magical had changed the symbol, however the new symbol still meant to use the old blue.

Why read directions?  That's just silly, right?  I forged ahead and ended up not liking the new blue.  The part of this I don't care for is that no one pointed out to me  my mistake when I posted the finished bit in Magical's SAL group.  There's polite and then there's this kind of polite that isn't right.  Like having something in your teeth and no one says anything and there you are all night talking and laughing and all the while there's something's like that.

While telling Magical that I didn't care much for the new blue color, she finally told me I did it wrong.  ONLY because I mentioned how I didn't like that blue.  This is where you laugh because it really IS funny :laugh:   I am, after all, the Mayor of Dorktown, USA and it wouldn't be right to not be the one who didn't read directions and forged ahead only to do it wrong.  I have a style, and this is it!

And yet...

Still feeling motivated and with a new audio book on the go, I dug out the fabric for the 25 x 25 SAL and went to work on that.  I may only be using blue, green and red, but I have to say I'm enjoying the choices now.  Last month I was really on the fence about how that one turned out but after doing the February pattern I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Isn't this the cutest little pattern?  It stitches up so fast too!

You may not believe this but once finished with this little cutie, I picked out fabric, floss and beads for the March NFSAL pattern and started stitching on that.  Sadly, this one I cannot share with you as it won't be posted on DeviantArt until next Saturday and then on Magical's blog after that.  It's a fun one and I am hoping it turns out the way I have it pictured in my mind.  

I'm loving how all of this stitching happened today and it's good practice for the upcoming Stitch A Thon on the Unconventional X Stitch Official Fan Group.  I've been trash talking about how I will win and listen with joy to the sounds of crying from the other stitchers when they lose.  But then, there's been a bit of return trash thrown at me.  It's really fun and very exciting.  Honestly, I probably won't win, but I do love the fun we are having in preparation for the competition.

Tomorrow is Floss Tube day along with WIPocalypse which means it will be busy and I just realized it's 11:31pm!  No wonder I'm tired!

I'm glad I set aside Odd Clover and did all of this stitching.  I feel lighter and more motivated now to pick it back up once I finish the March NFSAL.  

I hope your Saturday has been as awesome as mine has been!  Hug someone and let them know how much they mean to you.

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. Love all of your Stitching WIPS. They are all so very pretty.....Love the Colors as well.

    Happy Stitching

    Have A Lovely Day :)
    Linda K

    1. Thank you so much Linda! I hope your day is just as lovely as mine has been!

  2. Maybe they thought you were just doing what you wanted. I never correct someone's stitching. Who am I to say what's "right" anyway. Each person has their own methods. It's always nice to hear when stitchers are in love with stitching. Hopefully soon Odd Clover will make you happy to stitch on it again too.

    1. haha! I figured that's what it was :D Odd clover will get attention today for sure!

  3. You know, when you posted your Mamluk SAL on the facebook group, I somehow didn't realize it was yours - I I did, I'd have asked what's the deal with the new blue, but you never know how someone you don't know might react to being criticized. Sorry!
    I do love how much stitching you've had going on though :)

    1. Magical said she's so used to me changing things up she thought that was on purpose hahahahaha! I said NOPE, in this case I love that dark blue :D
