Monday, February 18, 2019

The End of My IHSW Weekend

Well, I have to let it end at some point but I can say it's been productive!  Luckily I have some extra time coming up to finish cutting all the fabric.  

For my International Hermit Stitch Weekend, fabric for a grand total of 51 project bags  has been cut.  I'm about halfway through my pile of fabric so there will probably be over 100 when I'm finished.  I've made quite a dent in my pile.  Once the smaller scraps have been turned into 2 x 2 squares my pile will be wonderfully small.

Can't wait to share a before and AFTER shot of all that fabric!  For now I have this growing stack of cut fabric.  After all the fabric is cut, then I cut the vinyl and batting.  The longest process will be the actual sewing.  Granted it take about 20 minutes to sew each bag so it will be awhile before every cut set is sewn.  I've already figured out that the end of the year holiday sets can wait and I'll sew the other fabrics first.

For now, my lovely pile of cut sets.....

It's strange to me how a giant pile of uncut fabric equals this neat and small pile.  One would think this pile would be sky high!

Now I'm going to sit down and see if I can get in a tiny bit of stitching tonight.  Probably grab up the 50 x 50 and see if I can make some progress on that.

I hope your weekend was great and if you had to work on this Monday it wasn't a Monday like some Monday's can usually be....if that makes any sense at all ha, ha.

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. That's an impressive pile of beautifully cut fabric - I'm looking forward to seeing the next stage

  2. Lovely pile of beautiful fabrics. Are you going to sell your bags or do you make them for yourself? Can't wait to see them all.

    1. Oh yes, once I make a bunch, they will go in the Etsy shop and when that happens I'll put the link up for everyone. I do have two project bags in the shop right now if you wanted to investigate.

  3. Replies
    1. Still so much to do but THANK YOU. Making these is far more fun than making the floss pads but then I have a machine that likes me so that makes a difference :D

    2. You can do this! I'm glad these are more fun - especially considering how many you have planned! :D Yes you have a happy sewing machine now that feels the love :)

  4. great way to use up the fabric.... looks like a very effective production line..Hugz

  5. So much lovely fabric!AriadnefromGreece!

    1. Thank you! HOpefully it all makes lovely project bags :D

  6. Is it strange that I look at you trying to down size your fabric stash and I only think 'Oh my, I need more fabric'? :D

  7. I love project bags... I will be checking out your stuff, I can't wait to see these.
