Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Now It's Time to Stitch

After cutting fabric for 51 project bags I was darned tired!  And why did I insist on buying so much of particular fabrics?  

"Ah, so there's only a little bit left on the bolt, I'd better have the rest so you don't have to put it back". (three yards later I failed to feel regret for the purchase, delayed reaction as now I have a small amount of regret but then...........whatever ha, ha)

That's a thought I don't think I'll have again.  Yards and yards of fabric to cut.  Knowing how many project bags I can get out of one yard of fabric is good! There's one huge chunk of fabric I remember buying because I was going to make curtains for my craft room when I lived in my fabulous condo in Juneau, Alaska.  Obviously the decision to move happened and no curtains were made.  Now it's time to cut that chunk up.

Today I have been very tired so only cut 12 more.  Pretty fabrics for sure.  I've already named one "series" and am contemplating the name of another.  

For these two sets, there is much Batik.  I love how it pops right off of the darker background on the blue.  There are going to be many pretty project bags for my Etsy store.  

In case you are curious about my shop, please go here.  Right now it's mostly floss pads and two project bags and two patterns.  Just you wait!  All the project bags on the planet will be there for your shopping pleasure!  When that happens I'd sure like to put them on sale so if you think of a good coupon code let me know.

NOW, what's even more exciting is I feel like stitching again!  Odd Clover will get some love tonight.  I realized that with the upcoming Unconventional XStitch Stitch a Thon happening I'd better get it done, catch up on my SALs and that way I'm ready to BE A WINNER!

Have a beautiful evening and...

...until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. Great job getting your fabric better organized. Glad to hear your stitching mojo is back. Get those stitches in.

  2. Can't say that I blame you about the fabric. It is too pretty not to buy it all up. I think your project bag is really pretty.

  3. I'm happy you put your no-stitching-motivation time to good use, but even more happy to hear you'll be stitching again!
