Tuesday, January 8, 2019

19 in 19?

Some stitchers are stitching 19 projects in 2019, some are stitching 19 minutes in 2019 and I had a thought:  19 hours on each project.

Not sure if this will work for me because I'm horrible at keeping track of time, but it is certainly worth a try!

Last night stitching continued on the January NFSAL pattern and as it turned out, that DMC S767 wasn't working for the backstitch. 

It looks messy and stupid so I ripped that all out and decided to try some Sullivan's metallic Gold #44418 and use some beads.

Strangely the metallic floss is working much better than the rayon floss and gives it a cleaner look.

I'm digging it.  Now that I have a cleaner and easier to see floss to use, this should go much faster.

Once finished, this too will be an ornament similar to the NYE SAL finish.  I have an abundance of odd shaped foam batting so I might as well use it.

I'm praying for the Federal workers who are suffering due to the shut down and hope that landlords, banks and creditors will show some compassion for something these people have no control over.  My baby bird's mate is not being paid either and he's military.  The wrong people are being forced into financial crisis.  That's all I have to say about that.

It is my hope that your day is full of love!

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'! 


  1. Glad you found a fix for your thread. Looks beautiful. Good luck with your 19 hours plan.

  2. I love your solution! It looks fantastic already <3

  3. Great interpretation of the 19 in 19! I'm using the Timesheet app to keep track of my projects, maybe that's something you could have a look at?
