Friday, February 21, 2020

Carla and Leonore's Halloween SAL 2020!

We are announcing early this year.  We are starting early this year.  We are going back to how we used to do it with a little twist this year.

For 2020 we are doing the Stoney Creek Pattern of the Month!  If you would like to join our FB group please click here.

In 2015 Stoney Creek started a little piece by piece Halloween SAL.  The monthly patterns were free for the month they were released and you only had to pay shipping.  There wasn't another one in 2016, but with all of the excitement surrounding the 2015, Stoney Creek decided to keep up the great work!

2017, 2018 and 2019 all had the monthly patterns.  All of these patterns are still available, but the cost for each pattern is $3.95.  We are unsure at this time what month the patterns will be released for 2020.  It is safe to say it can be anywhere from March to May.  When they are released, it will be posted here.

Pick a year!  Stitch each pattern in the month they were originally released or just go hog wild!

Pictures are added of each year that are currently in hand and when the 2019 patterns arrive in the mailbox a picture of those will be added for your viewing pleasure.  

The following is the item number for each pattern for quick look-up:

2015 - PM901, PM902, PM903, PM904
2017 - PM6001, PM6002, PM6003, PM6004, PM6005, PM6006
2018 - PM1301, PM1302, PM1303, PM1304, PM1305, PM1306
2019 - PM1501, PM1502, PM1503, PM1504, PM1505, PM1506

Stoney Creek website is here:

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. Fun! I shall probably just try to actually finish another of the things I stitched during previous years as I'd love to have fewer WIPs/UFOs hehe <3

    Finishing Halloween Cat last year was awesome :D

    1. That's fabulous and getting fewer WIPs and UFOs is always a great decision :D

  2. I'm super excited for this, although I'm still super undecided which one to get!

    1. I made up my mind, then changed it then changed again and still have no idea so I'm with you on this lack of decision!

  3. I have the one from 2015, but have yet to stitch it! When are you going to start?

    1. I'm doing that one too! I plan on starting mine the first of May if you want to SAL with me :D

    2. Let me check my fabric stash! Do you know what you're using yet?

    3. oh yes, I'm going with the recommended fabric on the pattern, 28 ct Lugana "Tarnish" by Picture This Plus. The pictures don't show the true green of the fabric which was a lovely surprise.
