Tuesday, February 12, 2019

One or Three Things

The other day I stitched up the Ornament of the Month and completely forgot to talk about it!  I don't know if I posted it to the Magical's SAL group either so I'll have to check that out later.

Sorry for the horrible picture, but there is the February Ornament of the Month.  I still love the greens and now have confirmed I'll do the entire year's ornaments this way.

Of course, more beads and floss need to be ordered....oh darn....shopping for fun stuff has to happen (tee hee).

Today at lunch I started the 50 x 50 February pattern and it occurred to me that adding this one as a SAL may have been a mistake.  So much time was spent on January's that it took time away from my rotation.  Now it's almost the middle of the month and Odd Clover isn't finished and I haven't even touched the Weaver's Bird SAL!  Guess I'll have to stitch on the 50 x 50 during lunches until it's done and not worry so much about finishing all the things like I want to.  

Speaking of Weaver's Bird SAL, a thought burst into my mind while I was removing the trillionth staple today....why do I have the Weaver's Bird SAL as part of my rotation when it happens once a month?  I'm removing it from the rotation.  I will keep my time on it so I can see that at the end of the year though.  No 19 hour rotation for this one!  

The Mamluk SAL part 2 pattern came out so I watched Footloose (THE version) and stitched it up.  I like this one because it's a quick stitch like the ornament of the month patterns are.

That's all I have for today.  Can't wait to update tomorrow on Odd Clover.  I have stitched on it a bit more and keep asking myself why I didn't stick with 15 colors when I made the pattern?  Confetti madness I tell you!  It's still pretty though.

Have a lovely night, sleep well and...

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. Lots of beautiful stitching going on. Keep it up!

  2. I love your finished ornament.

  3. The ornament and Mamluk look great! You sure did take on a lot of SALs this year, but I'm sure you'll get into the groove of dealing with all of it soon :)
