Monday, February 4, 2019

February TUSAL!

It's TUSAL time!  With Roy staring lovingly at the  ORTs, I share with you my bits from January.

Some great news from this morning when I got to work...there was a floss box on my desk just for me!  It used to belong to a co-worker's mother who has since passed.  I am grateful for the floss box.  My co-worker wasn't sure what was in it, but it was floss.

This means all I need are the plastic bobbins I keep forgetting to go get to finish the JodyRi floss.  One step closer!

I hope everyone is having the best Monday ever!

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. Great ORTs and great new box. I had a friend that switched over to a different system and she gave me like 12 of those boxes. I LOVE them. I use them labeled for each project. So easy to store.

  2. OH! I love these boxes too...all of my DMC are in them and soon all of JodyRi. Aren't they the best boxes? For my BAPs I use a different kind of floss box, or rather the "Art" box where you can put the dividers in or not. I'll have to share that :D

  3. That's a great collection of orts you have there! And what a nice surprise to find on your desk! Those floss boxes are great.

    1. Thank you! I agree it was a nice surprise to find on my desk :D

  4. Great collection of orts, It;s years since I've seen one of those toys. i know you've named yours but were they originally known as trolls, or was that just in our house.
    A nice surprise for you when you arrived at work, pone advantage of going out to work rather than working from home.

    1. Hi Penny! Yes these dolls are still called Trolls, but this particular one is Roy haha.

      I prefer staying's safe supervisors complaining, no clients upset...just quiet stitching!

  5. Roy looks like he might be considering making himself a new wig out of your orts!

    1. Did Roy call you? He never said a word to me about making a wig, but it sounds like something he would do!

  6. You have a nice ort collection there!!! And small gifts are the best.
