Saturday, January 26, 2019

Another One Done

I should say, another one barely done, or sort of done, or halfway done......but the 25 x 25 was completed!  

I'm thinking I could make six tiny biscornu with these patterns. It's fun to have several stitched pieces and not know what to do with them.

Because I spent the day at work yesterday removing staples, my index and middle finger on my right hand hurt pretty bad while I was stitching (I have osteoarthritis).  Many dunks into the paraffin bath helped but as today progresses, the hurting is returning.  I did plug in the bath so now it's just waiting for the wax to melt so I can dunk more.  The dunking is so gooooooooood.  Invest in a bath, you won't regret it!

Checked the mail today and found my beautiful new minder from Unconventional X Stitch.  Roy keeps trying to take it even after I told him we could share.  I'm wondering if he wants to eat it?  Do trolls eat minders?  I'll ask the others and see what they say.  I am missing one but it's made of glass.  Could they really crunch and munch glass?

Naturally, since Roy likes this minder so much, I accidentally ordered two more.  Hopefully he will grasp the concept of sharing since there are so many to choose from already.

Work will continue with Odd Clover today.  Made my bed, did the dishes and even did the laundry!  OH THE HORROR!  It was weird coming home from the grocery store and being able to put my bags down on the counter because there weren't dishes stacked there!  I don't have many dishes, but when they are all piled up, my tiny counter can't handle anything else.  Picked up a couple Sharpie markers and tried one out today and YAY!  Lovely, legible writing on those plastic bobbins.

I may need a short nap and then it's stitching time!  Everyone should have a little nap today.  I hope you are all well and happy today.  Hug someone....

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!

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