Monday, January 14, 2019

A Part Finished and a Need to Finish

Just look at that!  It's so beautiful.  Weaver's Bird SAL is going to be so incredibly lovely.

You know there was some worry about the colors not working, but honestly, I'm glad they are far out.  Jodyri flosses are spectacular and I regret nothing.

I am keeping to the 19 hours and finished this first part with time to spare which I have rolled over to my Odd Clover.  Got a couple hours in on it and feel pretty good that I can get this done quickly.

Can't wait to have this one done and sewn on my daughter's vest!

 That's all I have for today except this:  be good to yourself and hug someone!

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. I love the colors in your Bird SAL. So beautiful. Odd Clover is very neat. Good luck getting a lot done!

  2. Great progress! The colour choices are working out so nicely.
