Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2, 2019 The No Plan Sort of Plan

Back in November I tried to consider a 2019 plan.  Realizing my 2018 plan never happened, it seems making one for 2019 is just.........fruitless.  I know what I want to do, and I know eventually it will get done, but do I really need to plan?  I may set up deadlines for certain things, consider when to start or stop stitching certain projects, but even that seems like too much.

Don't get me wrong, my current WIPs which are in my project bags are my priority.  The whole idea of mapping out yet another year and becoming overwhelmed and stressed about it stresses me out.  That's too much stress.  Let's just not make a plan.

But then..........

I have this yearly planner.  It's full of dates for things.  Reminders of things to do.  Is that a plan?  Or just a friendly reminder?  Honestly, it's fun to see if events come about as written in the Great Tome.  There is a certain sadness when reading the previous month's entries of things not accomplished, but those things still could be.  Endless possibilities.

Let's just say that 2019 will just be awesome.  The urge to stitch, sew and create everything will never die and now we are all gifted with another fine year of trying to see if we can.

Do you have a plan?  

Until next time, KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. I think this is a plan too! Not to plan but to remind and hope that time and health and life in general let you do what you'd like :)

    1. That's what I'm hoping! Maybe if I am reminded, then maybe I might get something done or consider doing it.....who knows?!!

  2. I seem to alternate between years with no plans, and years of a lot of plans. I guess I still need to find some balance! I'm certain your year will turn out awesome either way :)

    1. I think with you and I keeping it simple we should both get some of those WIPs finished :D
