Friday, January 11, 2019

Ideas That Work

Every Tuesday and Thursday my friend Nancy and I watch Talks and Critical Role.  Talks is about an hour and a half long and Critical Role is anywhere from 4 hours to forever depending on the story arch or where the group is in a melee. (Dungeons and Dragons live stream)

Nancy and I stitch during the shows UNLESS something tear jerking or horrifying or serious laughing is happening.  Much stitching does get done most of the time.  The end of the last campaign was nothing but crying so we kind of gave up on the stitching.

Last night was the start and finish of the Ornament of the Month.  I started it about an hour before the show started and finished before the first break.  Three hours!  Luckily for me it was finished because the show took a few turns and suspense happened towards the end.

Because of this lovely finish, I figured if I use the time during Talks and Critical Role to stitch my smalls, that will leave the rest of the week for the 19 hour rotation.  Smart thinking right?  It's better to have a small to work on anyway since both shows are distracting and on more complicated projects I tend to make mistakes because someone made me laugh or I'm screaming in outrage. (It's what happens when you become attached to characters like in a book, the story is always changing)

The 19 hour rotation is also good because I figured I could roll-over time to the next project.  Pretty good idea if you ask me.  My  next project will certainly need that roll-over time since it needs to be finished very soon.  If I go over the roll-over and the 19 hours, I'll have to deduct that time from the next project.  Make sense?

Let's see if I can finish the Weaver's Bird Sal section today or tomorrow so I can get crackin' on Odd Clover!

Hug someone today!

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. Sounds like a plan. Have fun and Good luck with your stitching.

  2. I like the roll over, but I'm not so sure about the deducting...I think I'd make it 'at least 19 hours until something is finished before that' but I'm looking forward to seeing how things'll work out!
