Sunday, February 1, 2015

TW Stitchers Update for February 1st!

Surprise!  Honestly, one posting isn't enough!  To add to the fun, my brain took a leave of absence and for some reason I could not figure out where my TW Stitcher's had gone in my email!

After an hour of digging around, I found them (hopefully all) and put them where they belong. My sincerest apologies for those I did miss...seriously...I AM almost crazy OCD organized, so this is entirely inexcusable.

You met Nancy yesterday as I featured Cindy (we have been watching this project for the past year and it's been a wonderful journey), and this morning we have added two new and quite wonderful ladies to our little group! Don't know how you all feel about it, but watching the progression of a TW project is pure bliss. You really MUST click on their blog links on the right and look at all of the luscious stitchery.

Today I'm introducing Kay from Stitching in the Country.  She is one of our newest stitchers to our group here but has been busy stitching beautiful things to scream WOW to.  I cannot stress enough how wonderfully diverse our TW Stitchers are!

Say it with me:  OOOOO and AAAHHHH!

Kay has this to say about her feature shot:

"This month I have been working on the infill of my English Garden Sampler. It doesn't appear to me that I've done a lot but I have been working on all four sides so that is probably why. I have finished the corner medallions apart from the beads that I will do,last. I am now working on the four sides and at present filling in the fan shapes.

I will be putting it to one side at the end of the month and returning to The Castle which I want to finish as a Christmas present."

I wandered over to her blog and freaked out!  Beautiful stitching happens there!  Granted, the English Garden Sampler is nothing like the English Cottage Sampler (one of my WIPs), but call me biased as I love this one too....oh dear, another pattern I don't own....YET. (So much for SFS ever)

The end of February we should see some more updates and such from our TW Stitchers and hopefully an updated shot of Kay's The Castle....seriously, who doesn't love that one?

May I also take this moment to WELCOME our newest gals?  Thank you for joining us!  We will be watching....and commenting as the beauty unfolds. 

Until Next Time....


  1. Replies
    1. After reading everyone's blog I was in true BERSERKER mode and wanted to stitch everything I saw. Such beautiful stitching!

  2. I didn't have this sampler on my radar yet, but this closeup is sooo lovely...maybe it's in my sampler book? I should check that out when I get home...

    1. I think it is in the sampler book, but since I don't have that one I cannot check! Silly me, one more thing I need to add to my must have list :D

  3. Its soooo nice to see TW's being worked on, her designs are just sublime, I think sometimes there's too much of this quick and easy primitive pieces out there. There's no true designer that stands out these days!

    1. TW (in my very biased opinion) has no equal, even though there are still some great designers out there, none have gone as above and beyond as she! I'm so glad you love seeing so many being worked on...when we started this we weren't really aware of just how many were hidden away and are now being pulled out and worked on again :D

  4. I feel honoured to be mentioned. This month must be my days of fame as I've just written a review for Sampler Cove on a friends site. You will certainly be seeing the Castle as it's The One I must finish

    1. HURRAH! Little moments like these are seriously wonderful aren't they? Thank YOU for being so wonderful and stitching TW!
