Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Teaching Others to Knit

I'm pretty certain I have mentioned teaching a co-worker how to knit.  In case I haven't shared that little tid-bit, it's true.

She spotted me knitting a scarf and said she wanted to learn.  I brought in a ball of yarn and a pair of needles and the woman went to town.  Since then she has purchased needles of her own, many different types of yarn and is almost done with her first baby blanket for another co-worker of ours who just had a beautiful baby boy.

She really prefers the Garter Stitch but has also learned how to do the Seed Stitch which she is working on another project. 

I am so very glad I could teach someone and that person enjoys it as much as I do.

Until next time.....KEEP ON STITCHIN'!


  1. It looks like you did a grand job of teaching her - that baby blanket looks wonderful!

    1. If I can, I will get better pictures. It's incredibly soft and pliant and really is wonderfully done. She's an EXCELLENT student :D
